awaken the senses
Hear it. Taste it. Feel it.
You love Coffee that sets the tone? so do we!
Whether you’re just waking up, grabbing coffee with a friend, or hoping to pull an all nighter to finish that term paper Forte Legato is the ideal coffee to set the tone for your next move.

Single Origin
Coffees that come from a specific farm, region, or country can be classified as single origin. Flavor profiles, acidity, and complexity all differ based on the soil where the beans are grown.

It’s exactly what it sounds like. Take a single origin and mix it with another to create a more complex coffee. This is where our musical names come in.

Not everyone can handle caffeine, either as a preference or for medical reasons. We stick with non-chemical processed coffees so that our coffees have a truer taste.
More than fair
“More Than Fair” is a program we strongly support, which ensures coffee farmers receive the maximum profit for their product by eliminating brokerage from the trade transaction.
your event, our coffee
Whether your neighborhood is having an event or you need a special treat for your office/school, Forte Legato can come to you.
We’ll bring our coffee trailer set up with a full espresso setup with many of our local pastries.
Send us a note to tell us what yoy like, and we’ll see how we can orchestrate it!