At Forte Legato Coffee, we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact. Some of the eco-friendly practices and initiatives we have implemented include:

  1. Composting: We compost all of our coffee grounds and other organic waste to reduce our contribution to landfills.
  2. Renewable Energy: We use solar panels to generate renewable energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
  3. Efficient Lighting: We use LED lighting throughout our facilities to reduce energy consumption.
  4. Sustainable Packaging: We use eco-friendly packaging materials made from recycled materials and biodegradable plastics.
  5. Water Conservation: We have implemented water-saving measures in our facilities, including low-flow faucets and toilets.
  6. Community Engagement: We actively engage with our local community to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable practices.


Ethically Sourced and Sustainably Grown Coffee:

At Forte Legato Coffee, we are committed to offering coffee products that are ethically sourced and sustainably grown. We believe that supporting sustainable farming practices is essential to the long-term health of our planet and the well-being of the communities where our coffee is grown. To ensure that our coffee is ethically sourced and sustainably grown, we have implemented the following practices:


  1. Direct Trade: We work directly with coffee farmers to ensure fair prices for their crops and to promote sustainable farming practices. This is our primary focus in order to showcase the stories of each producer.
  2. Organic Farming: We source coffee from farmers who use organic farming practices, avoiding harmful pesticides and other chemicals.
  3. Shade-Grown Coffee: We source coffee from farmers who practice shade-grown farming, which promotes biodiversity and protects wildlife habitats.
  4. Certification: We source coffee that is certified by organizations such as Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance, ensuring that it meets strict social and environmental standards. In conjunction with Ron Cortez, we also offer More than Fair coffees, which are part of our direct trade model.



Q: Why is it important to offer ethically sourced and sustainably grown coffee?

A: Offering ethically sourced and sustainably grown coffee is important for several reasons. First, it supports farmers who are practicing sustainable farming methods, which are essential for the long-term health of our planet. Second, it ensures that the farmers are paid fair prices for their crops, which helps to support their communities. Finally, it allows us to offer high-quality coffee that has been produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way.


Q: What steps can I take to reduce my environmental impact?

A: There are many steps you can take to reduce your environmental impact, including:

  • Using reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. 
  • Recycling and composting
  • Conserving water and energy
  • Eating a plant-based diet
  • Supporting eco-friendly companies and products


At Forte Legato Coffee, we are proud to celebrate Earth Day by highlighting our eco-friendly practices and initiatives and promoting our ethically sourced and sustainably grown coffee products. We believe that by making small changes in our daily operations, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet. We encourage you to join us in our commitment to sustainability and to take steps to reduce your environmental impact. Together, we can make a difference.

By offering ethically sourced and sustainably grown coffee, we hope to inspire others to join us in our commitment to environmental sustainability. We believe that small changes can make a big difference, and we are dedicated to doing our part to make the world a better place.

We are constantly exploring new ways to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainability. We believe that through innovation and collaboration, we can continue to make progress towards a healthier and more sustainable future. We have numerous customers that pick up our used filters and coffee grounds for compost, while reusing wholesale packaging from our restaurant customers. Did you also know that if you come with your own reusable travel mug, you get a discount on your coffee purchase?

We are proud of our eco-friendly practices and initiatives and the quality of our coffee products. We are confident that you will enjoy the rich, complex flavors of our coffee, knowing that it has been produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way.

We invite you to celebrate Earth Day with us by trying our ethically sourced and sustainably grown coffee. By choosing Forte Legato Coffee, you can be confident that you are supporting a company that is committed to promoting sustainability and doing our part to make the world a better place. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


5 Coffee Brewing Methods You Haven’t Tried Yet

Are you tired of the same old coffee routine every morning? Are you ready to try something new? Look no further because we have compiled a list of five unique coffee brewing methods that you haven’t tried yet. From pour-over to Turkish coffee, these brewing methods will elevate your coffee game and add some excitement to your morning routine.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It’s an essential part of many people’s morning routines and can provide a much-needed caffeine boost to get the day started. However, if you’re tired of the same old coffee routine every day, it may be time to switch things up.

There are many different ways to brew coffee, and each method can produce a unique flavor profile. In this article, we will explore five coffee brewing methods that you may not have tried yet. From the classic pour-over to the exotic Turkish coffee, these methods will take your coffee experience to the next level.

1. Chemex Coffee

The Chemex coffee brewing method was invented in 1941 by a chemist named Peter Schlumbohm. It’s a pour-over brewing method that uses a special glass carafe and a paper filter. The Chemex coffee maker has a unique hourglass shape that makes it both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

To make Chemex coffee, you’ll need a Chemex coffee maker, Chemex filters, and medium-coarse coffee grounds. Begin by boiling water and placing the Chemex filter in the top of the coffee maker. Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any papery taste. Add the coffee grounds to the filter, and pour hot water over the grounds in a circular motion. Wait for the coffee to drip through the filter and into the carafe. Enjoy your freshly brewed Chemex coffee!

2. Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional brewing method that has been used for centuries in Turkey and other parts of the Middle East. It’s a unique brewing method that produces a thick and flavorful coffee. To make Turkish coffee, you’ll need a Turkish coffee pot, finely ground coffee, and water.

Begin by adding the finely ground coffee to the Turkish coffee pot. Add water and stir the mixture well. Heat the coffee over low heat until it begins to foam. Remove the coffee from the heat and let it sit for a minute or two to allow the grounds to settle. Pour the coffee into a small cup, and enjoy the rich and flavorful taste of Turkish coffee.

3. French Press

The French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a simple and easy way to make coffee. It’s a full-immersion brewing method that allows for maximum extraction of the coffee’s flavor. To make French press coffee, you’ll need a French press, coarse coffee grounds, and hot water.

Begin by adding the coffee grounds to the French press. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds, and let it steep for several minutes. Press down on the plunger slowly to push the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pot. Pour the coffee into a mug, and enjoy the rich and full-bodied flavor of French press coffee.

4. Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is a sweet and creamy coffee that is typically served over ice. It’s made by brewing strong coffee and mixing it with sweetened condensed milk. To make Vietnamese coffee, you’ll need Vietnamese coffee beans, sweetened condensed milk, and hot water.

Begin by brewing strong coffee using a Vietnamese coffee filter. This filter is a small metal cup with a perforated bottom that fits on top of a glass. Place the coffee filter over the glass, and add the coffee grounds. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds, and let it drip through the filter into the glass. In a separate cup, mix the sweetened condensed milk with hot water. Pour the mixture into the glass of coffee, and stir to combine. Add ice if desired, and enjoy the sweet and creamy taste of Vietnamese coffee.

5. Aeropress

The Aeropress is a unique and versatile coffee brewing method that was invented in 2005. It uses a combination of immersion and pressure to produce a smooth and clean cup of coffee. To make Aeropress coffee, you’ll need an Aeropress, Aeropress filters, medium-fine coffee grounds, and hot water.

Begin by placing an Aeropress filter in the cap of the Aeropress and wetting it with hot water. Add the coffee grounds to the Aeropress, and pour hot water over the grounds. Stir the mixture for about 10 seconds, and then insert the plunger into the Aeropress. Apply gentle pressure to the plunger to extract the coffee. Serve the coffee in a mug, and enjoy the smooth and flavorful taste of Aeropress coffee.


There are many different ways to brew coffee, and each method can produce a unique and delicious cup of coffee. The five brewing methods we’ve covered in this article – Chemex, Turkish coffee, French press, Vietnamese coffee, and Aeropress – offer a range of flavors and experiences. By trying out new brewing methods, you can discover your new favorite way to enjoy your morning cup of coffee. So next time you’re looking to switch things up, give one of these methods a try and elevate your coffee game.