Mariachi Blend


Loud and bold notes like a trumpet but smooth as a nylon stringed guitar, this coffee is for those that like to have a great contrast to spice, while not hitting high on the acidity chart.

Location: Central and South America

Elevation: 800 – 1800 masl m

Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Sarchimore, Catimore, & Marago

Process: Fully Washed

The Cup: One of our poppy darker blends with notes of vanilla, cranberry, chocolate and black pepper finish and kiwi-like acidity.

Mariachi Blend in a black coffee bag

Hear the coffee brewing

Is your mouth thirsty, yet?

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Loud and bold notes like a trumpet but smooth as a nylon stringed guitar, this coffee is for those that like to have a great contrast to spice, while not hitting high on the acidity chart.

Additional information


13.5oz Bag, 32oz Bag


Whole bean, French Press, Reusable Pods, Drip Machine, Fine/Drip, Espresso